Field Trial of Coexistence and Simultaneous Switching of Real-Time Fiber Sensing and Coherent 400 GbE in a Dense Urban Environment
Z. Wang, Y.-K. Huang, E. Ip, Z. Qi, G. Zussman, D. Kilper, K. Asahi, H. Kageshima, Y. Aono, and T. Chen
IEEE/Optica Journal of Lightwave Technology (JLT) (to appear), 2024.
Invited Paper to the Special Issue on Top-Scored Papers from IEEE/Optica OFC’23
Swirls: Sniffing Wi-Fi Using Radios with Low Sampling Rates
Z, Gao, Y. Chen, and T. Chen
ACM International Symposium on Theory, Algorithmic Foundations, and Protocol Design for Mobile Networks and Mobile Computing (MobiHoc’23), 2023.
Open EDFA Gain Spectrum Dataset and Its Applications in Data-driven EDFA Gain Modeling
Z. Wang, D. Kilper, and T. Chen
IEEE/Optica Journal of Optical Communications and Networking (JOCN), vol. 15, no. 9, pp. 588-599, Sept. 2023.
Field Trial of Coexistence and Simultaneous Switching of Real-Time Fiber Sensing and 400GbE Supporting DCI and 5G Mobile Services
Y. K. Huang, Z. Wang, E. Ip, Z. Qi, G. Zussman, D. Kilper, K. Asahi, H. Kageshima, Y. Aono, and T. Chen
IEEE/Optica Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC’23), Paper W3H.4, 2023.
“Top-Scored Paper”

A Software-defined Programmable Testbed for Beyond-5G Optical-Wireless Experimentation at City-scale
T. Chen, J. Yu, A. Minakhmetov, C. Gutterman, M. Sherman, S. Zhu, S. Santaniello, A. Biswas, I. Seskar, G. Zussman, and D. Kilper
IEEE Network, Special Issue on Next-Generation Optical Access Networks to Support Super-Broadband Services and 5G/6G Mobile Networks, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 90-99, 2022.

Development of a Compact 28-GHz Software-Defined Phased Array for a City-Scale Wireless Research Testbed
X. Gu, A. Paidimarri, B. Sadhu, C. Baks, S. Lukashov, M. Yeck, Y. Kwark, T. Chen, G. Zussman, I. Seskar, and A. Valdes-Garcia
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS’21), 2021.
Advanced Practical Paper Competition (APPC) Finalist

Directional Measurements in Urban Street Canyons from Macro Rooftop Sites at 28 GHz for 90% Outdoor Coverage
J. Du, D. Chizhik, R. Valenzuela, R. Feick, G. Castro, M. Rodriguez, T. Chen, M. Kohli, and G. Zussman
IEEE Transactions on Antenna and Propagation, vol. 69, no. 6, pp. 3459-3469, Jun. 2021.

Challenge: COSMOS: A City-Scale Programmable Testbed for Experimentation with Advanced Wireless
D. Raychaudhuri, I. Seskar, G. Zussman, T. Korakis, D. Kilper, T. Chen, J. Kolodziejski, M. Sherman, Z. Kostic, X. Gu, H. Krishnaswamy, S. Maheshwari, P. Skrimponis, and C. Gutterman
ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom’20), 2020.

Hybrid Scheduling in Heterogeneous Half- and Full-Duplex Networks
T. Chen, J. Diakonikolas, J. Ghaderi, and G. Zussman
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 764-777, Apr. 2020.

Wideband Full-Duplex Wireless via Frequency-Domain Equalization: Design and Experimentation
T. Chen, M. Baraani Dastjerdi, J. Zhou, H. Krishnaswamy, and G. Zussman
ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom’19), 2019.
ACM MobiCom Student Research Competition (SRC) Winner – First Place

Wideband Full-Duplex Phased Array with Joint Transmit and Receive Beamforming: Optimization and Rate Gains
T. Chen, M. Baraani Dastjerdi, J. Zhou, H. Krishnaswamy, and G. Zussman
ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc’19), 2019.
Best Paper Award Finalist

Maximizing Broadcast Throughput under Ultra-Low-Power Constraints
T. Chen, J. Ghaderi, D. Rubenstein, and G. Zussman
ACM International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT’16), 2016.
Best Paper Award

Panda: Neighbor Discovery on a Power Harvesting Budget
R. Margolies, G. Grebla, T. Chen, D. Rubenstein, and G. Zussman
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Green Communications and Networking Series, vol. 34, no. 12, pp. 3606-3619, Dec. 2016.